Christian Blinkies

God's Daily Word

"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."
Luke 6:43-45  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bible Box

In 1983 I rededicated my life back to Christ. My mom was really happy with that fact and to show her support, for Christmas that year I unwrapped her old Bible! I was in shock. Tho I had never mentioned to her how much I loved that Bible, she must have known what a perfect gift it was. I sat and cried as she just sat and smiled. Many times in my life I have cradled this Bible and grew strength it the words written. I will cherish it for the rest of my life. I believe it is the best present she has ever given me other than the gift of being my mom. The bookmark was handmade by one of my favorite nieces!

Now to how the box came about. I purchased it while on a shopping journey with my niece in the hopes of making a cricut cartridge box for when I travel. When I finished decorating the top I just had to share with my friend Bev. Bev immediately said it looked more like a box to store a Bible in than cartridges. I just kind of laughed and thought that I was going to proceed with finishing the inside to accommodate the cartridges. A couple days ago, while playing on eBay, I ended up purchasing a Gypsy. Well, with a Gypsy, I have no need for a box. lol I immediately placed my precious Bible in said box and am happy with that now! I do think I may line the inside with velvet to help protect the Bible more. It has now gone from an ordinary wooden box into a very special "treasure " chest full of hope! I antiqued it all with ink and then sprayed the entire top with Glimmer Mist. I added extra bling to the flowers by using Shimmerz. I also added glitter to one of the butterflies and embossing powder to the other. Anyone that knows me knows I love bling on my projects!

I thank you all for stopping by. I pray God will bless each on in a very special way!

The top photo shows the colors a little more true. They look a little muted on this next photo.

I hope to line the inside with velvet and padding in order to more protect the Bible.

Challenges I am entering are:

Stamping Sisters in Christ- something you treasure

Whoopsi Daisy- flowers

Stamp Something- cream and green

Papertake Weekly- 3 of something....I used 3 patterned papers

Stamping Bees- bling

Delightful challenges- butterflies

Cupcake Craft- up in the air.....hope the butterflies make my box eligible

Art Impressions- Embossing

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Two layouts done!

I have finally finished two layouts instead of just making cards! :-) The first one is my oldest grand child spending a day at the races with us. The other one is my youngest grandchild on his first Halloween. I really hate "spray painting" their faces but my children have all said they do not want their children's faces out on the open net. Although I have to agree I still hate painting their faces! lol

Thanks for stopping by. Hugs to all and may God bless each one.