Christian Blinkies

God's Daily Word

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person -- such a man is an idolater -- has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Ephesians 5:3-5  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Graphic 45 Autograph/memory Retirement Box Book

A good friend asked me to make her special co-worker that is retiring, a book that everyone could sign at her retirement party.  I have not scrapped much lately and decided that this project might get my mojo back and make me do something creative!  It did not turn out as good as I would have wanted but time was a factor as well as being able to sit up and scrap for short periods at a time before having to lay down and elevate my legs due to surgeries I had at the end of last year.

I love making these box books from Cristi's patterns.  Her patterns are so fun to work with and they are about the easiest patterns to follow.  She does an excellent job with both her written and video instructions.  Anyway, this one measures about 5.5 x 5.5 inches and is about 2 inches tall.  All papers are Graphic 45.  I love working with their papers and think they are such pretty papers.  This album actually has three different collections in it but I think they all work together well.  Since this is a book to write sentiments in almost all mats have lined paper instead of blank for a photo.  I did leave the inside of the lid blank where they can add a group photo of everyone attending the retirement party.

Now for the inside:
When you open the book the pages are attached to the left side.   Each page contain a pullout folder.  All edges have been inked in Colorbox Chestnut Roan.
The first page has two pull out tags.  I glued the tag down behind that has places for date and time and such.  I think the two metal corners add a lot to the finished look. 
The next pages show part of the pull out folders.  Only one flap of the folder is inserted into the page pocket while the other flap is the front of the pages.  These pages have a little folder that is actually held in the pocket with magnets.  They open up to reveal plenty of space to write on.

When you lift the flaps you will find more spaces for writing.  

The little tags swivel to show more space for writing.  

The next pages are very simple with little pullout fold outs.  I used a sizzix die to cut the top flap and then embellished it with metal corners.

Each folder unfolds to expose four more places to sign..........two on the fronts and two on the backs.

The next set of pages are folder flaps again.  They are simple pockets  which each holds two of the cutouts from the G45 collections.  I mounted said cutouts on black cardstock and added lined papers to their backs.

When the flaps are lifted they reveal more places for signatures.  The pockets in the middle each contain a little folder made form more cutouts from G45.  The little double door folders are held closed by the string and button technique.  More places for writing.

The last set of pages were made by using a pocket die from Sizzix as well as the tag dies.  I added the metal embellishments as the finishing touch.  The fifth folder is hidden behind the final page.

There are five folders that insert in each page.  As I stated before, four of the folders are used as flaps in the book.  The fifth folder is contained completely behind the last page.  They all have lined papers for plenty more space for signing and sentiments.  I did add a couple blank mats in case she wants to add a few photos.

I added stickles here and there throughout the album.......well......just because I have to add stickles!!!  lol

I had a lot of fun making this album but do wished I felt better and could have worked on it more.  I hope Sherry likes her memory book for her retirement.

Thanks for stopping by and may the Lord always be with you.

Birthday box card

I am sorry I have not been around much the past months.  I had a couple surgeries towards the end of last year and am just now feeling up to joining life once again!  This is the first real crafting I have done in quite awhile but forced myself to get it done for my grandson's birthday.  I did make it about a month ago but am just now able to sit at the computer for any length of time so am slow it getting it posted.  I love these box cards and think all the kids and grandkids will get one this year!  I really enjoy making them and am sure they will be just as happy as I am when they get one!  lol 

Thank you so much for stopping by.  May God bless each of you!