Christian Blinkies

God's Daily Word

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person -- such a man is an idolater -- has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Ephesians 5:3-5  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Graphic 45 Precious Memories Baby Girl mini album.

 I made this little mini album for a very special little girl born September 19th of this year.  She was born with Harlequin Ichthyosis.  She is such a special little lady and I wanted to make her something that may be a keepsake when she is grown.  I chose the Graphic 45 collection called "Precious Memories".  I not only love the paper but thought it was perfect for this project.

 The album is held closed with a metal latch lock and has a handle on top for easy removal from the small base. All papers were inked in Chestnut Roan chalk from Colorbox.  I used flowers from Wild Orchid and misc pearls to decorate throughout.  I added stickles for a little bling!  The words "Precious and Baby" are outlined in liquid pearls to help them stand out more.

I chose to make a box album that would sit in a stand.  I had learned the drop down sides and the construction of pages from patterns created by Cristi/ Paper Hoarder Disorder. 
I order her "Boxed Mini Album" where she teaches how to make the pages and do the drop down sides.

When you lift it off the base and open the latch, you can see there are lots of pages ready for them to add photos and journaling and anything else they may want to put in this little album.

On the inside cover I used one of the cut outs from the collection.  I cut the flourishes with my cricut and topped them with stickles.  I added Wink of Stella ink to the writing on the little card to give it some sheen too.  

The flap opens to reveal a photo mat and a place to journal.

The next page holds a tag with a pocket which holds a smaller tag.  It also has a little fold out for another photo and more journaling.  Both fold outs are held shut with tiny magnets.

The next pages are made up of a foldout on each.  I cut the hearts out with a die set I have.  I fussy cut the words out of the paper. I punched out a few leaves, added a flower and some pearls and stickles to finish these pages.

 The fold out opens when you lift the flowered  flap.  They also are held closed with magnets.
 You can also lift the entire foldout up the other direction to expose photo mats.

This next set of pages contain a gate fold opening that is held closed with a metal  flourish and magnets.  The other page is just a folder held closed with magnets also.  I added pearls and stickles for a little bling on these pages too.

These pages are made with match book type folder.  Each has a pocket with one of the cutouts from the collection.  They also are held closed with magnets.

When you open the matchbook flap, I also added a lift up page for added photos or journaling.

The next two pages are mirror image waterfalls.  This will give lots more room for photos of precious Harper.  The closing flap is once again held shut with magnets.  

These pages are mirror pocket pages.  The pockets each contain a folder which opens for more space.  I just love this paper collection and think the little paper doll clothes are just too cute.  I used a MS punch for the border on the pockets and finished it off with pearls.

 The last page and back of the book are very simple. The page has a pocket that holds two of the cards from the collection.  The back is a large oval mat.  The heart is free standing so a photo will slide under.  I used the flaps to put her name so the book will be more personalized.  I covered the letters with stickles.

 Each page has a folder that contains a pocket on the front.  I left them plain on the inside for photos.

 The sides and back is decorated with cutouts from the collection.  This paper has been lots of fun to work with.  I love Graphic 45 papers anyway but must say that the sweet images in this collection are some of my favorites.

 I constructed the base out of black chip board.  It is used to contain the side flaps as well as to display the album.  The metal legs lift it off the surface and I think compliment the hinge lock and handle.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I do appreciate your visit.  May God bless you and keep you safe.  Please pray for little Harper as she has a lot of medical problems in her future.  I encourage you to take time to research HI if you do not know what it is.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

More pop up box Birthday cards

I was extremely slow with making my October cards this year but finally finished and got them mailed out!  

I actually made two pink ones but only took photos of this one.  Not sure why I did not take both but the other one looked a little different but the same colors.

So, Happy beleated Birthdays to Barb, Erin and Lois!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless you all.

"Pennies from Heaven" Graphic 45 card box

I made this little easel card  box for a friend.  She has said that she collects "pennies from Heaven" from her mama and keeps them in a small bowl for now.  She wants to someday get a special box for them.  I made this little box in hopes she may like to keep her pennies in it until she finds just the right box for her special coins.  

I used Graphic 45 Precious Moments paper.  Added some flowers, stickles and a handle to complete the creation.  I found the poem online and printed it because I thought that was just the thing this box needed to tell what "jewels" were contained within the drawer.

I really hope this token gift brought some joy to my friend as she faces the different trials she has to go through right now.  I hope she will always find more "Pennies from Heaven".

Thanks for stopping by and God bless each of you.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Batman Boxed card.

 My youngest grandchild turns 9 today!!!  I cannot believe how fast time has gone since I first became a gramma.  He has always liked batman so figured once again I would do a batman card. I have made all the grandkids this type of box cards this year and now have one left to make and I will be finished for the year!  Of course they start in January all over again!  lol  Anyway,  I hope Mace, you like this card and I hope you have the best birthday yet!  We love you little man!

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a very blessed day!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Challenge #13 for Crafty Friends

This is my card for our new challenge over at Crafty Friends!  Our challenge is to use a sentiment on your creation.  Our  wonderful sponsors this time are Oddball Art Co. and Small and Round.  I chose to use 'On my Mind' by Small and Round.  She was so our of my comfort zone to color but had a lot of fun with this challenge.  I used a side step card style and added a couple sentiments.  The flowers   are from Wild Orchid.  I added a little stickles for some sparkly around her.  I hope to see lots of you join our fun challenge this round.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  May God bless you all.

Challenges I am entering:
will update

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Graphic 45 mini album cook (recipe) book Home Sweet Home

 I think I am finally getting back in the swing of things and am learning to scrap on my own instead of depending of others to keep me going!!!  lol  This mini album is from a wonderful pattern from Paper Hoarder Disorder.  I love this pattern so much I plan to use it again and again.  In fact, I have a second one started to make into a vacation album and scrap our trip to Yellowstone Nat. Park last month.  There is so much space for recipes or photos or whatever items you want to preserve in a mini album.

The only patterned paper I used was Graphic 45 Home Sweet Home 12x12. This was quite a challenge for me as I usually use all sizes of the paper pads when I make a project.  The black and cream sheets are plain cardstock from Recollections.  The flourishes through out the book are a die cut from my cricut.  I used ColorBox Chestnut Roan ink around all the papers.

I did not embellish the cover as I wanted it to fit on a book shelf without things getting smashed.  The front does protrude some for the pocket that hold the recipe holder.  The font through out the book is Abigail from Quickutz.  I coated them as well as all the flourishes with clear Wink of Stella.  I did top the letters off with Glossy Accents for more dimension.  I added metal corners on the covers just to protect them.
 When you remove the card holder this is what the front covers looks like.

 The card holder folds backwards to make a tripod.  It has a clear page that hold whatever recipe you are making.  This is also laminated for easy clean up if you are like me and tend to get part of the ingredients on the recipe itself!

This is the inside of the front cover. 
The cover pocket holds a little foldout in which you can store several of your favorite recipes. The blue flap on the first page lifts and has a magnet closure so it will hold recipe cards also.

The next pages:
The pull out on this page is kind of like a clip board.  It also has a magnet closure so will hold cards securely that you may be saving  "that special day" recipes for a quick find.

the next pages:
 The right side of this set of pages has am fold out held shut with a tag.  When you lift the tag from it's pocket, the top and bottom both open and show a few conversions that are common.  The center is lined where you can add your own conversions if you desire.

Next pages:
The left side contains two built in pockets.  The bottom holds two tags from the collection.  The top hold a print out from the University of Nebraska the list some ingredient conversions.
 The back of this little conversion booklet has lined paper so you can add your own conversions or notes.

Next: The decorations on this set is just fussy cuts from the paper in the collection.  I did use pop take on the four on the right page so they have a little dimension.

The right side has kind of a double pocket and each contains little booklets.

Next pages:  Again the decorations are just fussy cuts mounts on black paper.
 The left side has a type of waterfall book attached.  The first page does cover the water fall part.  There are several magnets to hold these pages closed.  Each turn of each page reveals a pocket or foldout of some sort.

 Next comes the Kiss the Cook pages.  

 The pocket on the right contains this little booklet.  Each page has a pocket where each can house several recipe cards.

The pocket itself is a fold out.  It is held shut with magnets.

Last set of pages:
 The left side is a booklet that is also held shut with magnets.  Each page has a pocket that holds tags cards or whatever you choose.

The last page and back cover:
 The back cover has a matching booklet to the front cover. 

 This mini album is made of four large pocket pages and eight half sized pocket pages.  Each large pocket page contains a large tag with pockets on both sides to hold lots of recipe cards.
Each half page contains a small pullout tag that has a flap that folds up to hold cards securely as you insert or remove tags.  Each of these can hold several recipes too.  I love the half pages as they can turn separately of each other which to me is just fun interaction!  lol

The binding is very plain.  I added a fussy cut oval from the paper.  I mounted it on black cardstock and topped it with glossy accents.
The back has one of the cards from the collection mounted on black paper. 

Thank so much for stopping by.  I hope you enjoyed my cook book and if you would like the pattern you may purchase it from Cristi at Paper Hoarder Disorder on Etsy.  Her patterns and videos are extremely well made and very easy to follow.  There is just so much you can do with this pattern and this is one of the more fun projects to work on.