Christian Blinkies

God's Daily Word

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person -- such a man is an idolater -- has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Ephesians 5:3-5  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And the Winner is................

I thank each and every one of you that took the time to stop by my blog and post! I am totally shocked with all the new followers and all the wonderful comments. I loved reading why you liked to craft and have to agree with the most .....meeting and sharing ideas with awesome people who may become awesome friends!

And now to the winner.....chosen randomly by

(I tried to copy and paste the random box but without success. He chose number 26.)



Again, I thank each and every one for playing along with me. After the holidays, I will be offering another prize for reaching 150 followers!

Hugs to all and God Bless!

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Third Jewelry box

I had one more box I had bought so thought I would make it up too. I used another Mag stamp and the same paper pad as on the other two. I love the old fashioned papers in this pad. I inked the edges and added a little glitter and flowers and the same as the other two. I did have a lot of fun making these and am sitting here wishing I would have bought a few more. lol Not sure what I will do with so many but know someone will end up with them in a few weeks. lol

Challenges I am entering:

Crafty Ann's-sketch


Catch the Bug-anything goes

Card Making Mamas
-anything goes

Creative Cowgirls-anything goes

Creative Belli- "R" embellishments.....roses

Craft Pad-anything goes

Paper Sundaes-gift

Tanda stamps- ladies only

Thank you so much for stopping by. God Bless

Friday, December 3, 2010

Another altered jewelry box.

I had so much fun making the last jewelry box that I decided to make another. I also have another special loved one I hope will like this when they receive it! I still have one plain one and not sure if I will get it made up for Christmas or not. Might wait and see how these ones are received before I proceed on, but who knows.....might have it done tonight. lol

Challenges I am entering this one in are:

The Sweet Stop-sketch

Moving Along with the Times-for someone special

I Did it Creations-surprise me.....hope it surprises my recipient

Some Odd Girl

Fun With Shapes-anything but a card

Fussy and Fussy- anything but a card

Just Magnolia-sparkle

Sugar Sweet Paper Treats
- anything goes

There's Magic in the Air-anything goes

Totally Stampalicious-anything goes

Tuesday Throwdown- embellishments

Design Dollies- layer upon layer.....The litlle Mag is actually the ninth layer!

Thank you so much for stopping by! Hugs to all and God bless!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jewelry box for Christmas

I saw these small wooden jewelry boxes in the unfinished wood section at Hobby Lobby and decided to try to alter it for a Christmas gift. I have a certain someone in mind for it but not sure she will like it (but sure am hoping she will)! lol I first stained it and then started covering parts. I then spent several hours looking for a sketch to make an easel card for the top. I added a magnet to keep it shut when lying flat so won't just flop around when they open the lid. She loves flowers and bling so added plenty! I also inked all the edges for a more antique look. I added a little heart charm to finish it off. I did have fun working on this and hope to make a few more if this one goes over well. I am entering in the following challenges:

Creatalicious- sketch

Delightful challenges-flower power

Creative Cowgirls- anything goes

One Stitch at a Time- bling it up

Creative Inspirations- Christmas gift

Just Us Girls- 3-D

A Crafty Little Place- anything goes

Die Cut Dreams Christmas Club- use a die cut...I used my oval nesties

Paper Cutz- anything goes

Moving Along With the Times-more than one fold

Thank you so much for stopping by. God bless you all!